Sivan Karim’s monochrome illustrations are out of this world. The Berlin-based artist is known for focusing on women empowerment, equality and strength as well as the role of female hair and beauty with his illustrations.
He carefully draws sensual and surreal scenes in which he beautifully showcases women’s hair flowing freely and carefully on their heads, making it hard to imagine this was done through ink.
“Drawing hair is quite fun actually,” he admits.
His ethereal, minimalistic yet complex artwork also portrays the inspirations of nature, personal experiences and dreams, that tells stories that all people can relate to.
Tell us how you started drawing. How did you become an artist and what inspired you to start?
I started drawing in a very young age. I have loved art ever since I can remember. When I was in primary school, we went to an art museum for the first time, I was so fascinated and motivated at the same time, that I dreamed of becoming an artist, too. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in April 2016 and started promoting my art on social media, luckily a lot of magazines reached out to me and I was able to work on projects and sell art prints.
Your illustrations are so artistic, where do you get your inspirations from?
I get inspired by a lot of things. Everyday life, dreams, love. I think there are so many stories to tell, things everybody has gone through in their life.
On your Instagram account, the majority of your illustrations are women. What is the reason behind this?
Women have a very sensitive, but also strong expression. There’s is something about the way they pose, it’s like they are telling a story that needs to be captured.
Why black and white and not coloured ink?
I used to paint with colours, but when I tried out black ink for the first time, I fell in love with the technique, I researched artists (mostly Japanese ones) who work with ink and their works are so powerful. The contrast of black and white is enough to deliver the message behind the drawing. It might look simple to some, but it’s about composition and the balance of black and white to make an illustration eye-catching.
What is your favourite drawing and what is the reason behind this?
It’s very hard to choose one, but all the success started with my illustration ‘The Dream’ I guess there’s a special bond.

When drawing , what comes to your mind and what do you find difficult?
Drawing is actually very meditative. I’m usually very relaxed and enjoy the process. Sometimes I find it difficult to satisfy myself with the result, but I think it’s pretty normal for artists to be perfectionists.
What challenges do you face as an artist?
There are many amazing artists out there, I guess a big challenge is not to compare yourself to other artists and to stand behind your work. There’s no need to be shy to show your illustration to the world. The feedback is actually a good way to improve your personal style. Other challenges are facing art thieves on social media or people who want you to work for free. I feel like they take an illustrators work for granted, they enjoy the art, but don’t want to pay for commissions.
What about when it comes to drawing hair. Is it somewhat challenging to perfect your illustrations or does it come naturally to you?
After years of practice I don’t find it challenging anymore. Drawing hair is quite fun actually.

What advice can you share for any one that would like to follow in your footsteps?
The best advice would be to do what you love, draw what you find interesting and inspiring. Don’t compare yourself to other artists and stand behind your own works.
Who would be your ideal person to draw and why?
I think everyone could be an ideal person for a drawing, it surely depends on the idea and the inspiration. I personally don’t have an ideal person, I guess I tend to draw faces which look familiar to me.
Social media Accounts;
Instagram: sivan.ka
Facebook: Sivan Karim Illustration
Image credits: Sivan Karim